Vitamins For Hair Growth and Thickness Male & Female

Vitamins For Hair Growth and Thickness Male & Female

As you know we are using different types of shampoo and eating junk food in our daily routine life that is the reason we did not intake require vitamin & minerals then we are facing different types of disease like deficiency of vitamin & minerals, different types of skin problems .

Here I want to share one of most important problem which are facing no of people I had seen many products are available in market but we didn’t found positive results.
Friends if you are also facing this type of problem so I will provide you a natural sources .

So friends i want to recommend you. you should take any hair growth product and also take these natural foods then you will got positive results .

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My friends if you think about 50 to 100 years ago nobody would have faced this problem because they used to natural foods .
If we are also start using that things so we can found solution of our problem.

These five vitamins will end the problem of hair loss, hair will grow faster, will also be thick and strong with daily intake.

There are five such essential nutrients for the body that can end the problem of hair loss, today we are going to tell you about them, as well as tell you in which natural things you get these nutrients.

Vitamin For Hair Growth:

Due to changing dietary habits, the problem of hair loss has become very common. At the same time, hair fall is also due to hormonal changes and sometimes due to changing seasons. By improving the diet, you can get rid of the problem of hair loss. This problem can be dealt with by adequate intake of minerals and vitamins necessary for the body. There are five such nutrients necessary for the body which can end the problem of hair loss, today we are going to give you the same.

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Along with this, we will also tell you in which natural things you can get these nutrients.  Nutrients For Healthy Hair


Iron Red blood cells ie RBCs need iron to carry oxygen throughout the body through the blood. Its deficiency can lead to anemia. Extreme fatigue, yellowing of the skin and hair fall are some of its important symptoms. 3 cheapest and effective foods to stop hair fall in monsoon, nutritionist advised.

Iron is found in these fresh foods: Green leafy vegetables in red meat • Spinach • Pomegranate •



Biotin (Vitamin B7) is very important for our body cells. Biotin deficiency leads to hair fall and weakening of nails. There may be a deficiency of biotin in the body due to certain reasons.

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Here i would like to share you few natural sources to intake BIOTIN. I will describe one by one..

Sweat Potato :-You want to intake sweat potato then got sufficient biotin so we should take this .

 Sun Flower Seeds :- As you know sun flowers seeds is one of most important sources to intake vitamins ..



Walnut:-It is also make a vital role in our body you should take also this if have facing a problem hairs loss ..

Apart from this you also take Whole Grains Meats Egg Yolks .

Vitamin C:-

Vitamin C is needed by the intestines to absorb iron. Vitamin C deficiency also causes hair fall. Include these things in the diet to strengthen the hair.

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  Pineapple:-If have a facing a problem of Hairs loss deficiency of vitamin c then you can use this natural source . as you know pineapple is a very good fruits which have a vitamin c .

Orange:-This is also a very good fruits for vitamin c i will recommend you at least one glass orange intake for energy because vitamin c is a immunity boster…



Strawberry:-it is also a very taste fruits and have a good concentration of vitamins..


Zinc plays important role in making proteins in hair cells. Zinc deficiency can lead to hair loss , as well as delayed wound healing and symptoms such as loss of smell and taste . shellfish beans seeds dry fruits.

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To increase the strength of the body, amazing leafy vegetables, citrus fruits, capsicum, amla.


Vitamin D:-

vitamin D deficiency not only affects bone health, hair also weakens and starts breaking. Our body gets Vitamin D from sunlight. Apart from this, consumption of fatty fish and fortified milk also leads to vitamin D deficiency. If you have excessive hair fall, then you can also take vitamin D supplement with the advice of a doctor. otherwise you should intake natural foods ….

Various Legumes, colorful beans

Zinc plays an important role in making proteins in hair cells. Zinc deficiency can lead to hair loss, as well as a delay in wound healing.

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(Disclaimer:-This information given here is based on home remedies and for general information before following it,you should take advice your health consultant. RUN FOR LEARN does not confirm it.)

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