Reason for Heart Attack in winter and How to Prevent

Heart Attack In Winter:It is said that the risk of heart attack increases in the winter season as compared to summer season.cardiac arrest

Do you know that your heart has to work harder in winter.The risk of heart attack is more in winter than in summer, know what is the reason.The reason for this is that due to the decrease in the temperature in the winter season, there is a lot of impact on the health of the heart. In cold weather, the heart has to work very hard to keep the body warm. Due to continuous pumping of blood, the blood vessels shrink, due to which the heart has to work more.

Why Does Heart Attack Happen

A heart attack occurs when the heart does not get the supply of blood or the supply is suddenly interrupted. The blood vessels get blocked mainly due to blockage in one of the arteries of the heart or due to accumulation of fats or plaque in the arteries. When this plaque ruptures, a blood clot is formed, which causes blockage of the arteries, leading to a heart attack.

 Risk of Heart Attack Increases in Winter

It is believed that the cases of heart attack increase in the winter season. This is because people do less work in this season due to the cold. During this, disorders like stroke, heart failure, cardiovascular problems, arrhythmia increase in cold weather.

Apart from this, the activation of the body’s nervous system increases in winter, which causes the blood vessels to shrink, which is known as ‘vasoconstriction’. In this, the blood pressure level starts increasing and the heart has to work harder to pump the blood, which damages the blood vessels and increases the risk of heart attack.

Why should We be Wary of Plaque Rupture?

“People may worry about clots, but more than that, rupturing a plaque is a bigger risk. Along with this, blood pressure also increases. This happens because the blood vessels lose tone (the vascular smooth muscle cells in the walls of the small arteries and arteries contract) and become tighter. Due to this reason, the plaque becomes unstable, crumbles and this increases the risk of heart attack.

How is Blood Clot 

Blood pressure has an inverse relationship with the temperature of the environment. The blood pressure increases during winters, due to which the heart has to work harder to pump the same amount of blood. To maintain the body temperature, our blood vessels constrict. “It helps your body stay warm by reducing the amount of blood flowing to your skin and organs that are furthest from the heart, and drawing more blood to your major organs so you don’t feel cold.

When your blood vessels narrow, the heart has to use more force to push your blood through the smaller passages, which increases your blood pressure. When this happens, your blood clots may be more likely to form. A clot that blocks the flow of oxygen and blood to your brain or heart can cause a stroke. Also, winter is the time when we tend to neglect hydration. It is very easy to get dehydrated in cold weather without being thirsty. It makes your blood stickier, which can increase the risk of clot formation.

Who are at higher risk?

It is imperative to note that people with pre-existing risk factors will be more likely to have a heart attack – smokers, obese people, patients with high blood pressure, excessive alcohol consumption or those with pre-existing heart conditions. Is undergoing treatment.

• Maintain blood pressure through appropriate medication and regular follow-up

• Take all medications to continue as advised

• Avoid exposure to extreme cold and wear appropriate clothing

• Avoid excessive intake of salt

• Avoid unhealthy eating habits and overeating, which can increase cholesterol levels

• Maintain a healthy exercise program but don’t overdo.

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