Deficiency of these 2 vitamins can make you sick in winter

Deficiency of these 2 vitamins can make you sick in winter, make up for the deficiency with these foods. you know about very well which is Vitamin D and Vitamin C so I would like to tell about Vitamin D and C that how you can consume these two Vitamin with natural foods to in include in your diet.

In winter, by consuming certain vitamins in the diet, immunity remains strong. The winter season has arrived and cold winds can pick up their pace in a few days.

Taking care of health is very important in this season. Because deficiency of these 2 vitamin can make you sick in winter like few  diseases  cold, stuffy nose, sneezing, headache, body ache, cough hurts a lot.

In this season the immunity becomes weak and the body becomes ill. Chances are high. To stay healthy in winter, it is very important to take care of diet.

By consuming certain vitamins in the diet, immunity remains strong and the body remains healthy. In this season, the consumption of some vitamins is very beneficial to avoid seasonal diseases. Vitamin C and D deficiency can make you sick in winter. Let us know how these vitamins keep the body healthy and how to fulfill their deficiency.

Vitamin D deficiency can make sick:-

Consuming vitamin D in winter can benefit health. In winter, if the body gets less sunlight, then there is a deficiency of vitamin D in the body. Vitamin D not only strengthens bones but also keeps the body healthy. Vitamin D intake controls high blood pressure and prevents heart diseases.

• The body gets vitamin D when the sun’s rays fall on the skin. It helps the body digest calcium and phosphate which makes bones, teeth and muscles strong. To meet the deficiency of vitamin D in the body, eat milk, yogurt, mushrooms, almonds, broccoli, eggs, milk, cheese, soy products, fish, butter, oatmeal and orange juice in the diet.

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Vitamin D Deficiency:-

Due to these 6 reasons, there may be deficiency of vitamin D in the body:-

Vitamin D deficiency can lead to fatigue, bone pain, muscle weakness, muscle pain, mood swings, and muscle cramps.

In the midst of increasing cases of coronavirus and monkeypox virus, it is very important to make immunity strong. Nutrients like Vitamin D have the biggest hand in making immunity strong. Vitamin D makes our body strong and keeps us healthy. The correct amount of vitamin D in the blood is between 20 nanograms and 50 nanograms. If someone has less than 12 nanograms of vitamin D per milliliter in their blood, then they need immediate vitamin D supplementation.

Deficiency of vitamin D leads to various problems in the body such as fatigue, bone pain, muscle weakness, muscle pain, mood changes and muscle cramps. Vitamin D is considered important for the body in many ways. Due to diet and exposure to sunlight, our body automatically replenishes vitamin D.

But in some people the lack of vitamin D is very troublesome. Now the question arises that what is the reason for the lack of vitamin D in the body. Let us know that due to which there is a deficiency of Vitamin D in the body.

Vitamin D deficiency is caused by staying in a closed room in AC:

Some people always keep AC in closed rooms to avoid cold in winter and heat in summer. If the body does not get enough sunlight, then there is a deficiency of this essential vitamin in the body. To meet the deficiency of vitamin D, you should consume broccoli, eggs, nuts, seeds and legumes.

7 Top Calcium-Rich Foods For Bones in Man & Woman

Obesity also causes vitamin D deficiency:

Increasing obesity makes the body ill in many ways. Due to the increase in body fat, the deficiency of this essential vitamin starts. It has been revealed in many research that vitamin D is 50 percent less in obese people.

Magnesium deficiency is also a cause of vitamin D deficiency.

When there is a deficiency of magnesium, there is a lack of vitamin D in the body. Magnesium helps in the activation of vitamin D. According to the National Library of Medicine, all enzymes that metabolize vitamin D require magnesium.

Boron deficiency affects vitamin D

Boron is a chemical element that works with Vitamin D. Vitamin D helps in the absorption of calcium and maintenance of bones.

Deficiency of Vitamin K can lead to Vitamin D deficiency

Vitamin K deficiency is also responsible for the deficiency of vitamin D in the body. To meet the deficiency of vitamin D, you should consume eggs, meat, fish and milk.

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Every vitamin is necessary to keep the body healthy. But vitamin D has its own importance. Because, Vitamin D is very important for your body as well as brain.

What are the symptoms of Vitamin D deficiency?

Baldness can occur in men or women. Weakness and fatigue may occur Vitamin D Wounds and wounds take time to heal The density of the bones starts to decrease and there are holes in them, there may be pain in the muscles. The person may have a problem of depression. Back and bone pain problems, etc.

Vitamin-D deficiency risk is highest among these

Babies are more prone to vitamin D deficiency, this is because breast milk is not a good source of all the rich nutrients. Apart from this, the risk of deficiency in older adults is also higher. Because their skin is not able to make vitamin- D when exposed to sunlight. This is the reason why older people are advised to take more vitamin D.
Eat Foods That Complete Vitamin- D Deficiency Vitamin D Rich Foods.

The best source of vitamin D is in the morning and evening sunlight. But, apart from this, you can also consume foods rich in these vitamin D. Such as- orange, cow’s milk, mushroom, cod liver oil, egg yolk, salmon fish, etc.

Vitamin C deficiency can make sick:-

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Vitamin C deficiency can make you sick. The risk of cold-cough, flu, sinus and infection is high in winter. To make immunity strong in this season, eat foods containing vitamin C in the diet. To meet the deficiency of vitamin C, you can consume oranges, strawberries, blackcurrants, red peppers, broccoli and Brussels sprouts.

Consumption of lemon and amla also fulfills the deficiency of vitamin C. Consuming these foods strengthens immunity. Consumption of antioxidant elements such as mushrooms, spinach, tomatoes, curry leaves in food also benefits in this season.

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