Vitamin D Rich Foods,Fruits & Vegetables |7 Best Vitamin D Foods in Vegetables

Vitamin D Rich Foods,Fruits & Vegetables

If you are not able to sunbathe for vitamin d, then from today on wards include these 7 vitamin d rich  foods,fruits & vegetables in your diet. You must have seen that the deficiency of vitamin d is quite common these days, it is quite surprising to see all this, so to overcome it, vitamins d sources have been told, to meet the deficiency of vitamin d, many foods have been included in their diet. Foods that can be used to meet the deficiency of Vitamin D.

  • 7 Best Vitamin D Foods in Vegetables | Vitamin D Rich Foods,Fruits & Vegetables
  • There are some option for vitamin D you can include these vegetarian & non vegetarian food in your diet for vitamin D :-
  • 1-Orange Juice
  • 2-Cow’s Milk
  • 3-Oily Fish
  • 4-Mushrooms
  • 5-Soy milk
  • 6-Sprouting Mung bean
  • 7- Egg Yolk

Vitamin d is also known as sunlight vitamin. Deficiency of vitamin d causes voice to speak from bones. Vitamin D deficiency is found in thousands and millions of people around the world because they do not take care of good diet and they did not know which vegetables and fruits  have vitamin d. As well as people consider this vitamin D to be essential for bones, but it is also essential for immunity, weight loss, skin health, maintaining blood sugar levels, and maintaining calcium in the body.

Vitamin D in the body can be reduced by smoking, drinking more than 2-3 times coffee or tea and eating more junk food.

As you must be aware that now a days due to our lifestyle, we are not able to take a required amount of vitamins and minerals, according to Orthopedic, the level of Vitamin D 3 should be checked every 6 months after exposure to sunlight in the morning. Vitamin D synthesis is the best way.

Many people ask how to overcome vitamin D deficiency because many people are not able to complete the deficiency of vitamin D by sunlight, if you also feel that your body also has vitamin D. If there is a deficiency of vitamin D, then you should also immediately include the foods mentioned here in your diet.

Include these foods in your diet for Vitamin D. Add These Foods In The Diet For Vitamin D and include vegetables and fruits which is good sources of vitamin D .

There are some option for vitamin D you can include these vegetarian & non vegetarian food in your diet for vitamin D :-

1-Orange Juice

2-Cow’s Milk

3-Oily Fish


5-Soy milk

6-Sprouting Mung bean

7- Egg Yolk


1)- Orange Juice:-

Orange juice is an excellent source for Vitamin D. There are different types of orange juice available in the market, make sure you get the real one, most of the orange juice brands do not provide the real vitamin but co which provide 34% vitamin d which is great for your body .


2) Cow’s Milk:-

Cow’s milk is a great source of vitamin D and calcium, which is why doctors always recommend consuming cow’s milk if your lungs and kidneys are unhealthy. then you can take cow’s milk in daily basis and found a good concentration of vitamin D.


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3 ) Oily Fish:-

Fatty fish , such as tuna , mackerel , and salmon are an excellent source of vitamin D . You can get plenty of Vitamin D by including them in your diet. if you are non vegetarian then you can include tghis food in your diet.

4) Mushrooms :-

Fresh Mushrooms are a powerhouse of nutrients. Mushrooms exposed to sunlight convert ergosterol, a natural component of fungi, into vitamin D. Mushrooms are a delicious way to add vitamin D to your diet. You must consume them to fight vitamin D deficiency.



5) Soy milk:-

Soy milk is a suitable option for vegetarians. It can offer vitamin D and other nutrients. It is also a good option for people suffering from lactose intolerance. and also  soy milk is good sources of vitamin D one things is i want to cover if you are vegetarians then this is the best option for you in vitamin d deficiency.

6) Sprouting Mung bean:-

Sprouts increases levels of vitamin D and minerals, including vitamin D. Include green mung in your daily diet as it can help to fight and protect the body against diseases (diabetes, heart disease, cancer and osteoporosis). Mung bean is good sources of vitamin D you can add your diet for deficiency of vitamin D.

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7) Egg Yolk:-

Here i want to say that if you are non vegetarian then you can take eggs otherwise you can taken different foods which is vegetarian.

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Eggs are a convenient way to boost your vitamin D levels. Vitamin D levels in egg yolks also depend on sun exposure and the vitamin D content of chicken feed.

Friends as you know ,I have told you all the best  Foods, fruits and vegetables of vitamin D deficiency in above article so you can easily include in your diet and full fill deficiency of vitamin D.

Thank you so much.


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