7 questions that comes our  mind whether they can eat Cherries in Diabetes or not

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1-Are Cherries good for Diabetics?

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If you have facing problem diabetics then Cherries are good for Diabetics because cherries providing Vitamin C, Potassium and Fiber.

2-How many cherries can a diabetic eat per day ?

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Many people think about how many cherries should you eat in a day many experts recommend about one cup of fresh or frozen cherries and one fourth cup for dried cherries.

3-what is the best fruit for Diabetics?

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American Diabetes Association says that Citrus and Cherries are super foods for Diabetes.

4-what time of day is best to eat cherries?

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According to many studies you can eat cherries before one hour of bedtime.

5-What organs do cherries help?

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Many studies show cherries are rich fruit in diet because it's reduce heart risk . cherries are good in nutrients and compounds.

6-Are Cherries ok for liver ?

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Cherries are not good for your liver . Cherries are low in calorie food and rich in fiber.

7-Do Cherries reduce belly fat?

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These fruits can be part of a weight lose diet while there is lack of studies that recommend cherries consumption reduce belly fat.

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