Respiratory Syncytial virus, Influenza , Virus  Symptom & Prevention

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Influenza is highly infectious disease that is occurs in winter season.

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Influenza is cover all age groups like children and adults. It is also known as Flu.

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Incubation period of influenza or flu two days or 24 to 48 hours.

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Causative agent of influenza is influenza Virus. Influenza virus is three types Influenza Virus A, B, C

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This is respiratory disease. Influenza Virus symptoms and COVID symptoms are same .

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Sign & Symptoms of Influenza Or Flu:- .High Grade Fever .Body Ache .Body Chills .Headache

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Sign & Symptoms of Influenza Or Flu:- .Malaise .General weakness .loss of appetite .Dry Cough . Vomiting .Red face.

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Prevention Prevention is better than cure So We can take influenza Vaccine .Isolation .Use Mask . Didn't go outside because Influenza Virus is spread . didn't spiting in outside

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