.Know about AIDS/HIV. .History of HIV,Full form of AIDS. .Symptoms of HIV

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HIV is a virus that weakens the human immune system, if it is not treated at the right time, it can turn into AIDS, although there is no cure for HIV, but it can be prevented.

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What is HIV

Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrom

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Full Form of AIDS

Thursday 1 December

World AIDS Day Celebration

HIV infection first appeared in Central Africa, where the virus spread from chimpanzees to humans.

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What is the history of HIV?

According to studies, HIV started spreading from chimpanzees to humans in the last days of 18th century. The virus of this species found in chimpanzees is called simian immunodeficiency virus (SIV).

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What is the history of HIV?

HIV has been present in the US since the late 1970s. For the first time in India, the cases of HIV came to the fore in 1986 among the female sex workers of Chennai.

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What is the history of HIV?

If you also want to find the answer to this question, then there is only one way to get the test done. Knowing your HIV status can help you make better health decisions and prevent spreading the infection to others if you do become HIV positive

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Could you have HIV? Do you have HIV?

Within the next 2-4 weeks of getting infected, flu-like symptoms are seen in most people. Such symptoms can last for the next few days and weeks. Flu-like symptoms do not mean that you are HIV positive.

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What are the symptoms of HIV positive?

There are three stages of HIV. Stage 1- Acute HIV infection. Stage 2- Chronic infection. Stage 3-This is the last stage of HIV and it is called AIDS.

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How many stages of HIV are there?

People who have AIDS, their immune system is very badly affected. In this stage, the person's immunity is almost destroyed

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